Lehigh Valley Hospital
Baby Formula Available Nancy Willis, a NICU graduate’s Mom, has cases of baby formula to anyone who could use it. She has 1 ½ cases of Neosure (Similac) Formula dated August 2003. 3 cases of Isomil Formula dated November 2004. These are both powdered formula that you mix with water.If you could use this formula, please contact Nancy at 570-992-4784. THANKS*Thanks to Cheryl Endy for volunteering to co-chair the Chinese auction, and to help with holiday photos. *Thanks to Juli Sodl for volunteering to coordinate Staff Appreciation Day. *Thanks also to Stacy Gambler for volunteering *We still need many more volunteers for many different jobs to keep the group from falling apart. Please call Marie Lichtenwalner at 610-641-9540 and let her know how you can help!! Babysitters wanted Does anyone know someone who would willing babysit for our monthly meetings? The person does get paid, and can be an adult, or a teenager. Choking/CPR training is preferred (come in Nov. and certified!) but not mandatory. The babysitting room is right next to the classroom, so parents are always near by. What we are trying to create now is a list of people to call on a monthly basis, so no commitment is needed now. Thanks for your help!! Call Marie at 610-641-9540, or email me at tripmom@ceinetworks.com. Monthly meetings Next year is just around the corner, (how many more shopping days until Christmas?) and we need some suggestions for monthly meetings. What do you wish you had the time to read about? What problems do you have to deal with that you’d like to meet other parents with similar problems, or hear some more information about. Without your suggestions, we can’t help you, so let us know!!!! Call Marie at 610-641-9540, or email me at tripmom@ceinetworks.com. Volunteer needed Is there anyone who lives near the hospital, and has email? Neither person who works on the newsletter live near the hospital, so we need someone who can receive the newsletter by email to print it, and bring it over to the hospital’s print shop. Thanks!! Email Marie at tripmom@ceinetworks.com |